Visual employment contract
Employment contracts clear, to-the-point and attractively designed.
An employment contract is an important document. It is the first document future employees see of the organization. The agreements in it affect the mutual arrangements you make with your employees as an employer and how you set up your employment.
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Is your benefits plan still up to date?
The terms and conditions of employment in the employment contract flow from the personnel handbook. Is this handbook still up to date? Let us find out for you. Request a no-obligation quick-scan here and make sure what you are doing is right.
Are you a member of a collective labor agreement? As an employer, you are also legally obliged to draw up your own personnel regulations or personnel manual. We would be happy to tell you more about this.
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Are you curious about what a visual employment contract looks like? Fill out the form below, and receive a trial version. That way you’ll know even better what to expect!
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