HR Services

The power of a good human resources policy

People are at the centre of everything at CROP. We are convinced that good personnel make the difference for your organisation. The foundation for this is in a good Human Resources policy. It is increasingly more important that people are given the opportunity to grow, to develop themselves and to use their talents to the best of their abilities. The demand on organisations to devote more time to this is on the rise.

Our HR specialists are happy to assist you throughout the entire journey that both employer and employee go through, from the selection process to the moment of departure. The employment relationship is central, along with all the matters you and your employee will encounter. This includes the correct and most beneficial application of tax regulations, as well as laws and regulations regarding employment contracts, personnel files, HR advice & support, and payroll administration.

Marleen van Brakel
Payroll Professional
Chantal Bakkes, HR consultant bij CROP accountants & adviseurs
Chantal Bakkes
HR Consultant
Marcel van Bakel
Coordinator HR services